Peperomia Hope – Care Tips, Common Problems
Peperomia Hope is a lovely semi-trailing plant with bright green leaves that have ribbed veins. This makes the leaves look like they’re striped. This plant is easy to grow indoors as long as it gets an adequate amount of light and the soil is kept moist.
The plant looks very much like a succulent, but it is actually an epiphyte that grows naturally in rainforest areas, primarily in Mexico and South America. Therefore, it does need a little more moisture than succulents do, but it does not like being too wet either.
Quick Start Guide For Growing Peperomia Hope
- This plant prefers moderate temperatures of around 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius). It’s not frost-tolerant and should be grown indoors in cold climates.
- It needs to be grown in a well-draining soil mix that also retains some moisture with a pH range between 6 to 6.6 which is slightly acidic to neutral.
- Place your Peperomia near a bright east or south-facing window that lets plenty of indirect light in without direct sunlight.
- Water your plant only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch and make sure that the excess water can drain away freely.
- Feed your plant once a month during the growing season with a weak solution of organic liquid fertilizer such as liquid seaweed.

About Peperomia Hope
Peperomia Hope is an epiphytic plant that looks somewhat similar to a succulent. It’s a hybrid that has been bred by crossing Peperomia quadrifolia and Peperomia deppeana.
It has lovely tear-shaped leaves that are ribbed and jade-green in color. These leaves grow along trailing stems and are usually arranged in fours around each section of stem.
Being a trailing plant makes it ideal for growing in hanging pots and baskets as the long stems can happily trail down over the edges of the pot. Peperomia Hope is quite slow-growing so doesn’t need to be repotted too often.
It’s also a low-growing plant and will only reach a height of around 8 inches (20 cm) and a spread of around 8 inches (20 cm) as well. This compact growth means that you can grow it alongside other succulents without fear of it taking over the space.
What Soil is Best for Peperomia Hope?
Peperomia Hope is an epiphyte which means that it needs well-drained soil that does hold some moisture. The roots of this plant need plenty of oxygen. However, they don’t like to dry out.
Therefore, an ideal soil mix would include coco-chips, coconut fiber, mineral-rich river sand, and perlite. The coconut fiber helps to retain some moisture, while the other ingredients aid in good drainage. The coco fiber also helps to increase the acidity of the soil mix as these plants prefer a slightly acidic pH of around 6 to 6.6.
For a simple mix that will work quite well, try combining one part coconut fiber with one part perlite. This will provide enough moisture when you water as well as be free-draining.
Light Requirements for Peperomia Hope
These plants need lots of filtered light without being exposed to direct sunlight. If your plant is not receiving enough light, the leaves will start to look a little jaded. However, bright sunlight will cause the leaves to yellow and might even burn them.
When considering the light requirements, think about where the plant grows naturally. Peperomias are rainforest plants that grow under the shade of large trees. In this environment, they’re generally exposed only to filtered light that comes in through the treetops.
Consider placing your Peperomia in east or south-facing window that gets plenty of consistent light, especially in the morning. If the window does let in bright sunlight, consider putting up a sheer curtain or place your plant around three feet (1 meter) away from the window to ensure that the leaves don’t get burned.
You might find that in the wintertime, your windows don’t let in enough light, especially if it’s constantly dark and dreary outside. If this is the case, you might want to invest in a grow light that runs for about 12 hours every day. Even placing your plant under artificial light in your office will work quite well and should meet the plant’s light requirements.
Best Temperature Range for Peperomia Hope
The ideal temperature range for this lovely houseplant is between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius). That’s why this plant makes such a good houseplant. It does not tolerate frost, so you can’t grow it outside in winter if you get really cold temperatures.
In fact, you shouldn’t let the temperature get below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius) if you want your plant to survive. Make sure you keep the plant well away from drafts, including the air from both air conditioners and heaters, because it does not tolerate extreme changes in temperature.
In hot climates, it’s also necessary to protect your plant from excessive heat. Especially if the temperature rises above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) and stays there for some time. At times like this, you may need to water your plant every day to ensure that the heat is combated with adequate moisture.
Does Peperomia Hope Like Humidity?
Being native to tropical rainforests in Mexico and South America means that Peperomia Hope does enjoy a certain level of humidity. Surprisingly though, this plant will tolerate drier conditions. In fact, around 40 to 50 percent humidity is perfectly adequate.
To increase the humidity, you can easily get a humidifier for your home or place humid-loving plants together with some bowls of water nearby. Or, you can place your plant on a tray of pebbles and water, making sure that the bottom of the pot is not sitting in the water.
One important thing to remember is NOT to mist your plant with water. This can easily lead to rot and other diseases. Therefore, provide your plant with plenty of air circulation and don’t stress too much about the humidity.
Ideal Pot Size For Growing Peperomia Hope
You don’t need to use a large pot for your Peperomia plant as these plants prefer to live in small spaces. The plant will grow to around 8 inches in height and will usually spread just as wide. You shouldn’t need a pot larger than six inches in diameter.
However, it is a slow grower, so don’t plant it in a larger pot than is necessary. Select a pot size that will just accommodate the root ball of the plant nicely. A small hanging planter is ideal, or maybe use one of those lovely decorative ceramic planters. Just make sure that any pot you use has good drainage holes.
You can even grow this lovely plant in a terrarium surrounded by a few succulents. Just be aware that you’ll need to monitor the watering closely so that you provide adequate moisture but not overwater your plant. With a little practice, you should be able to get this right.
How Much Water Does Peperomia Hope Need?
Getting the watering right for your Peperomia means that you’ll have a happy, thriving plant. To do this, you need to check the moisture level in the soil on a regular basis. Remember that this plant doesn’t like to dry out, but it mustn’t sit in soggy soil either.
The first thing to do is check that you’ve got the soil mixture correct. When you water the plant, the excess should run out of the drainage holes within seconds of you adding water. If this happens, then your mix is just right.
The next thing you have to get used to doing is checking the soil moisture with the topsoil touch test. To do this, pinch together the top one inch of the soil. If this feels quite dry and crumbly, then your plant needs moisture. If the soil is still damp and sticks together, then wait another day and check again.
In summer, this means that you might have to water your plant every three days. This is because the plant roots will be absorbing more water while the plant is in its active growth stage. However, in the colder months, you might only have to water once every two weeks.
If you follow the rule to only water when the top inch of soil feels dry, you should have no problem giving your Peperomia the amount of moisture that it needs to grow happily.
Best Fertilizer For Peperomia Hope
This plant responds well to the application of a balanced fertilizer around once a month. Choose a fertilizer that has an equal amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in it. This is usually indicated on the package as a series of three numbers, such as 10:10:10.
When applying fertilizer to your Peperomia it’s vitally important that you dilute it well instead of applying it at the ratio that appears on the pack. For example, if the pack instructs you to mix 5ml of fertilizer to one gallon of water, dilute this three to four times more by mixing the same 5ml of fertilizer with four gallons of water.
If you apply the fertilizer at a higher strength, you can easily burn the roots of the plant.
One of the best types of fertilizers that you can use is liquid fish emulsion. Indoor plants seem to thrive on this. On the other hand, there are also good quality succulent fertilizers that would also be ideal for your Peperomia.
Just remember to stop feeding your plant during the winter months because it will be dormant.
How To Propagate Peperomia Hope
This plant is super easy to propagate using stem cuttings or even just single leaves. All you have to do is cut off some of the fleshy stems and pop them into some potting mix.
These stems will even root in water, and it’s exciting to see the root starts to form if you place them in a clear jar or glass. Just remember to change the water every few days to keep it nice and fresh.
Even single leaves can be used to propagate new plants. Just take a few leaves and stick them into some potting mix. Use the same type of mix that you used for growing the plant. Keep moist but not wet.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to propagate this plant from leaf cuttings:
- Cut a few leaves from the plant along with their leaf stems or petioles.
- Leave these in a warm, dry spot for a few days to let the cut ends callous.
- Fill some small pots or a germination tray with a mix of 50 percent coco fiber and 50 percent perlite.
- Pop the leaves into the soil with the calloused end down and press the soil firmly around each leaf.
- The leaves need to lay flat on the soil but the stem should be buried. You want the veins in the leaves to be in contact with the soil. You might need to use some hairpins or small loops of wire to secure the leaves so that they remain in contact with the soil.
- The tray should be placed in a warm spot that gets bright, indirect light. You might want to use a grow light for this as this will also keep the plants warm. An ideal temperature for propagating these plants is between 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 24 degrees Celsius).
- Mist the soil regularly as it needs to remain moist but not wet. If the soil is too dry, the leaves won’t produce roots. However, if the soil is too wet, the leaves are likely to rot.
- Within around 4 to 8 weeks, you should see new plants growing from the leaves themselves.
You can follow the same procedure if you want to use stem cuttings. You want to cut stem lengths that are around three inches long and have a few leaves on them at the tip. Remember to let the cut end of the stem produce a callous before putting it into the growing mix.
How Often Should You Repot Peperomia Hope?
This plant doesn’t need to be repotted very often due to its slow growth. However, you might find that your plant gets a bit leggy, especially when grown in low light. To create a bushier plant, simply snip off some of the longer stems.
But don’t throw these out. Just pop them back into the soil around the existing plant, and they are likely to set roots. This will make your plant look nice and bushy and not too leggy.
If your original plant is quite small or you’ve propagated your own plants from cuttings, you might find that you need to repot it two or three times. It’s far better to only go up one pot size at a time rather than planting into a much larger pot.
When the plant eventually does become too large for its pot, you can simply take it out and divide it into two smaller plants by carefully separating the roots. Just take extra care when repotting because the stems do tend to break easily.
Is Peperomia Hope An Annual Or A Perennial?
In most instances, Peperomia Hope is a perennial. It will continue to grow as long as it’s given the right conditions. The leaves are quite fleshy, but the plant is not a succulent. Rather, it’s an epiphyte.
An epiphyte is a plant that commonly grows on another plant but is not parasitic. This means that the epiphytic plant and the host plant form a symbiotic relationship. These types of plants are often found in rainforests and grow in the crooks of branches of larger trees.
Other epiphytic plants include orchids, bromeliads, ferns, and air plants.
Peperomia Hope also propagates quite readily, and even trailing stems that are in contact with the soil or potting medium will start to grow roots. Therefore, it’s easy to keep this plant growing for many years.
Common Problems With Peperomia Hope And How To Fix Them
Like most houseplants, Peperomia Hope can be susceptible to common pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects. You can easily control these with a spray made with either insecticidal soap or neem oil and water.
You might need to spray your plants daily with this mix until all the pests have been eliminated.
It’s also a good idea to place your plant in the shower every now and then. This not only removes dust but will also get rid of any pests that may be lurking under the leaves. Make sure that you allow the plant to drain really well before placing it back in its regular spot.
Also, make sure that there’s plenty of airflow around the plant because you don’t want the leaves to stay wet for too long as this may cause them to rot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are the leaves on my Peperomia Hope falling off?
This could be due to root rot. Check the base of the plant to see whether it is brown and mushy. If this is a mature plant, you might be able to salvage some of the healthy stems to propagate new plants from. Once the roots have started to rot, you need to discard this part of the plant and only keep sections that have healthy white roots.
Another reason that your plant may be dropping leaves is if it’s been exposed to sudden changes in temperature or cold drafts. Make sure that you keep the plant away from the air that blows out of your heater or air conditioner.
Why are the leaves on my Peperomia dull?
This is most likely due to your plant not receiving enough light. Move the plant to a brighter spot out of direct sunlight. On the other hand, if the leaves on your plant are becoming a little yellow, it may be receiving too much sunlight so move it to a shadier spot.
Why are there brown spots on the leaves of my Peperomia Hope?
This is most likely due to a fungal infection. Immediately remove the infected leaves to stop the disease from spreading. Make sure you only water your plant at the base and avoid getting the leaves wet. You can also apply a diluted fungicide spray if the problem appears to be severe.
Why are the leaves on my Peperomia Hope curling?
This is generally caused by not enough moisture in the soil or inconsistent watering. You should never allow the soil to dry out completely before giving your Peperomia some more water. Additionally, you don’t want the soil to be too wet either. To make sure you get this right, just water your plant every time the top inch of soil feels dry and always let all the excess water drain away.
Is Peperomia Hope toxic to pets?
This plant is not toxic to dogs or cats, as advised by the ASPCA. In fact, all Peperomia species of plants are regarded as being non-toxic.
Does Peperomia Hope flower?
The plant does produce flowers, but these are generally insignificant and not a feature of this plant. When flowering does occur, the plant produces long flower spikes with tiny white flowers.
Peperomia Hope is a great indoor plant for people who don’t have a lot of space as it grows slowly and is quite happy in a small pot. It’s also perfect for growing on your desk in the office as long as there’s plenty of light.
This plant is relatively easy to care for as long as you understand its watering needs. Plus, if you like to propagate new plants to give away to family and friends, Peperomia Hope is one of the easiest plants to grow from stem or leaf cuttings.